Optimising gabion retaining wall design using GAWAC 3.0 software
Course overview:
Most design methods for gabion retaining structures concentrate to a large extent on stability analysis at the ultimate limit state with little guidance on the all-important serviceability aspects. Matteo Lelli, Head of Business Development, Maccaferri - SEAP Region, will be covering the design of mass gravity gabion walls with a focus on a new design approach to check gabions serviceability limit state. This innovative approach introduces the principle of service life to gabion structures in line with other civil engineering structures. A new design approach and associated design parameter called the Gabion Serviceability Coefficient (GSC) which allows engineers and designers to anticipate long-term deformations of gabions and assess safety for the serviceability limit state, will be presented.
Matteo Lelli is an Italian chartered civil engineer. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Pisa (Italy), and has completed his MBA from the Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia). Matteo’s areas of expertise include retaining structures and geosynthetics for reinforced soil structures, riverbank protection, costal protection, slope stability, soil nailing, erosion control. Matteo joined Maccaferri, Italy in 2013 and has work experience in Malaysia and Indonesia where he has served for 5 years as a Technical Manager.
Learning Outcomes:
- Designing mass gravity gabion walls
- Introducing Gabion Serviceability Coefficient (GSC) as part of a new design approach to check on the serviceability limit state of gabion structures
- Understanding the importance of steel mesh types and coatings to achieve long term performance
- Using GAWAC 3.0 software with a live working example