Maccaferri® ParaGrid® are planar structures consisting of a biaxial array of composite geosynthetic strips. It is a high strength geogrid for soil reinforcement, made from discrete bundles of parallel high strength synthetic fibres in a tough and durable polymeric sheath. It is extremely durable and is well suited for steep slopes and extreme pH soil conditions. Available in up to 4.5m widths.

ParaGrid is suitable for structural applications where a long term design life (50-120 years typically depending on the regulations) is required. Typical applications are:

  • Reinforcement of the fill of steep slopes where it steep slopes can be built using different types of facings
  • Reinforcement of the fill in segmental block walls where it can be used in combination with any type of block
  • Reinforcement of low embankments on soft soils to limit and manage differential settlements
  • Reinforcement in soil veneer applications where it is typically used as reinforcement to stabilise soil layers on sliding sloped surfaces (e.g. landfill cappings)
Paragrid product image
Paralink call-out


    • Suitable for reinforcement in walls and embankments with slope angles up to 90º
    • Tough and durable polyethylene sheath is highly resistant to physical, chemical and biological conditions found in soil, including extreme PH soils, micro-organisms, UV radiation and mechanical damage
    • High modulus and low creep characteristics, sustaining over 64% on their initial strength compared with standard reinforcements made from polypropylene or polyethylene 
    • Quick and easy installation as they are light weight, flexible and can be easily cut to the required lengths
    • BBA certified for up to 120 year design life 
    • Wide range of strengths available from 30 kN/m to 200 kN/m in the main direction (longitudinal) and from 5 kN/m to 100 kN/m in the secondary direction


    Ground & Pavement Stabilisation

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    Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Phasellus gravida semper nisi. Donec posuere vulputate arcu.

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    Maccaferri Paragrid body image