Macra Studio - Water Courses
Macra Studio conducts a stability analysis of water course cross-sections, with respect to water flow by checking the hydraulic stability of different bank protection linings given an allowable shear stress and roughness coefficient for the various materials selected.
Macra2 - Gabion Weirs
Macra2 was developed to provide engineers with a rapid and efficient tool with which to conduct the hydraulic and static analysis of different type of gabion weirs.
SpectraRail - Rail Track Optimisation
SpectraRail software provides engineers with a quick and effective tool for evaluating design options and optimising rail track support using Tensar Geogrids. Developed specifically for Tensar’s SpectraRail Railway Improvement System, SpectraRail Software enables users to evaluate and compare designs for both non stabilised and mechanically stabilised rail trackbeds with comprehensive cost analysis for each alternative. SpectraRail software is a comprehensive, systems-based software suite that offers the full benefits of Tensar’s knowledge and experience in analysing both sub-ballast stabilisation and ballast optimisation applications. These applications incorporate Tensar TriAx Geogrids, key components of the SpectraRail System. This software is available free of charge following the completion of a free training module delivered by a Geofabrics specialist.
Retaining Structures
Australian Users - MacStars W - Reinforced Soil Structures & Mass Gravity Gabion Retaining Walls
MacStars W provides designers with reliable way to analysis the stability of gabion retaining walls and Terramesh reinforced soil walls and slopes having either simple or complex ground, hydraulic and load conditions. Current Version is MacStars 4.0.
Gawac 3.0 - Gabion Retaining Walls
The Gawac 3.0 Program has been developed to provide engineers with a rapid and efficient tool to conduct the stability analysis of gabion retaining walls. The program allows the check under a large number of different situations (geometry, surcharge loads, etc.) which may occur during the design process. The program requires the user to provide the problem data and perform the analysis commands. This program is able to deal with a huge variety of situations; the user may choose to perform complementary comparisons and analysis to overcome these limitations. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SOFTWARE IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO AUSTRALIAN BASED USERS.
NZ Users - Macstars W Reinforced Soil Structures & Mass Gravity Gabion Retaining Wall
MacStars W provides designers with reliable way to analysis the stability of gabion retaining walls and Terramesh reinforced soil walls and slopes having either simple or complex ground, hydraulic and load conditions. Current Version is December 2020.
TensarSlope - Embankment & Slope Stability
The TensarSlope program allows experienced design engineers who have attended a TensarSlope training workshop to produce designs for reinforced soil walls and slopes. This software is available free of charge following the completion of a free training module delivered by a Geofabrics specialist.
TensarSoil - Reinforced Soil Walls & Slopes
Tensar program for the design of reinforced soil walls and slopes incorporating Tensar RE500 geogrids. The program incorporates new design methods and an improved graphical interface and replaces WinWall and TensarWallAS programs. The software is for experienced users who have attended the Tensar Training Workshops and for new users who have been provided in-house training by Geofabrics staff (17.5MB)
Latest version 2.17.6. Existing users should check their version and download this latest update.
Note: Install by creating the directory in the C drive, ie. C:/Program Files (x86)/Tensar International and extracting the contents of the zipped file into that directory.
Tensar+ is a free, cloud-based geotechnical design software that allows engineers, contractors, and owners to design with geogrid in a variety of geotechnical, roadway and working platforms applications. The platform features state-of-the-art knowledge on the design of geogrid-stabilised solutions and quantification of the benefits of stabilisation in terms of cash, time and carbon. These developments are based on the concept of mechanical stabilisation, which relies on two features of stabilisation geogrids: interlock and confinement.
Use the platform to design your project, customise its specifications and see the cost-savings in real time.
Tensar+ offers a number of design modules that are suitable for:
Unpaved roads
- Unpaved road (Lees-Han Method)
- Heavy haul road (Lees-Han Method)
Paved roads
- Austroads (Figures 8.4 & 12.2)
- Asphalt pavement (AASHTO 93)
The T-value approach calculates the bearing capacity of granular layers over weak subgrades, incorporating mechanical stabilisation benefits and using large triaxial tests to develop a constitutive model for finite element software. This method allows for the design of working platforms with or without stabilisation geogrids, and it is compared to the BR470 approach to evaluate the performance and cost-saving benefits of Tensar working platforms.
Liquefaction is a concern in areas with significant seismic activity or large vibratory loadings, such as train loadings and vibratory compaction, over loosely packed saturated sands. Gravel rafts can mitigate damage to structures on liquefied soil, though their depth can be costly. The T-Value method reduces the thickness and construction time of these gravel rafts, offering significant cost savings.
Rail (Coming soon)
Tensar+ takes an innovative approach to analysis in track bed. Fundamental material research using large triaxial testing, parametric analyses using the derived numerical models, and calibration to full scale laboratory experiments are the backbone of the module. From there, a performance-based method of designing track bed, the Lees-Kelly approach has been developed. The method is an improvement over the Li-Selig approach and is at the cutting edge of performance-based design for rail track bed