Maccaferri® attenuator fences (or hybrid barriers) are used on slopes where there is available “run-out” space beneath the barrier in which the rocks can ultimately stop or be safely collected.
Our Maccaferri rockfall attenuator barriers combine the interception structure of a dynamic rockfall barrier with the reduced maintenance advantages of drapery mesh; they are used in passive rockfall hazard mitigation. Rather than being secured to a lower support cable, the fence mesh is longer and drapes down the slope where it is able to slow down the descent of falling rocks.

- Used in passive rockfall hazard mitigation slowing the momentum of the rock
- Panels and support components are constructed of materials that are sufficiently rugged to accept multiple, near-simultaneous, impacts without excessive loss of suspended height or compromised capacity
- Intercepting panel drape made using HEA panel or ring nets
- Combines high dynamic impacts when the rock hits the nets and guides the rock down to the end of the drape but does not stop them
- Combines the energy absorption capabilities of a dynamic rockfall barrier with the reduced maintenance advantages of drapery mesh
- 'Skeleton' structure is supplied with steel posts, upper longitudinal ropes, cable anchors and all necessary accessories
- Can be customised to specific site conditions and is recommended to be installed by specialist contractors
Tests conducted by Colorado DOT (Arndt, B., Ortiz, T., and Turner, A., 2009. Colorado’s Full-Scale Field Testing of Rockfall Attenuator Systems. Transportation Research Circular E-C141, Oct 2009) showed the superior performance of HEA cable net panel with knots can withstand impacts with the least amount of damage after repeated impact, compared to 10 other similar systems tested. Unlike the majority of controlled rockfall mitigation system field tests that only capture the translational movement of a falling rock, the CDOT test reproduced the rotational movements of impacting boulders that is highly relevant for this kind of solution.